VVTuner CCM “VVTuner Camshaft Control Module”. The hardware interface that accepts signals from various inputs including camshaft and crankshaft sensors, pressure sensors, and system voltage to accurately control the camshaft position based upon the user’s settings.
AWG “American Wire Gauge”. Unit of measurement as related to the cross sectional size of a wire. Smaller numbers represent a larger wire.
CKP Sensor “CranKshaft position sensor”. Relays information about crankshaft speed and position to the VVTuner.
CMP Sensor “CaMshaft position sensor”. Relays information about camshaft speed and position to the VVTuner.
DC (Duty Cycle) A percentage measurement within a given amount of time (period) where where the digital signal level is high versus low. A period where the signal level is high exactly half the time results in a 50% duty cycle. A period where the signal level is high for the entire duration of the period results in a 100% duty cycle.
EMS “Engine Management System”. The primary engine control computer.
NA Chassis code for the 90-97 Mazda Miata.
NB Chassis code for the 99-05 Mazda Miata.
NB2 Chassis code for the 01-05 Mazda Miata (with VVT).
OCV “Oil Control Valve”. The OCV is modulated by an electric solenoid to vary the amount of oil pressure that the camshaft spool valve receives. It is controlled by the VVTuner CCM to command camshaft advance.
PID “Proportional/Integral/Derivative” A method whereby a direct and accurate calculation can be placed upon a system by defining a set point and measuring the deviation (error) between the actual process value (result) and the set point to quickly reach the desired result with minimal deviation in the shortest possible time frame. The VVTuner CCM uses a PID loop to maintain the user’s target camshaft advance.
Spool Valve The spool valve is attached between the cam shaft and timing belt. A varied oil pressure is placed upon the valve (by the OCV) to advance or retard the rotating position of the cam shaft in relation to the timing belt and crank shaft.
VDC “Volts Direct Current”