What DIYAutoTune products does this fit?
- All standard MegaSquirts with V2.2, V3.0, or V3.57 main boards
- MSPNP Gen 2 models except EEC4A8 and EEC4B8 versions
- MSPNP Pro models except JZ9298
My computer doesn’t have a matching connector. How do I make this work?
My computer has a 15 pin version of this connector. Can I use this cable if I get a DB15 to DB9 adapter?
- No. The 15 pin connector is either a VGA display port or a joystick port. Connecting either one to a MegaSquirt is likely to cause severe damage to the computer, the MegaSquirt, or both.
4 reviews for MegaSquirt Tuning Cable (DB9 Straight Thru)