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MicroSquirt Module Hardware Kit

MicroSquirt Module Hardware Kit


SKU: MicroMod-hdr Category:


All the hardware you need to attach your MicroSquirt Module to a PCB, all headers for the uS Module and the mainboard you would attach it too are included, along with standoffs and screws for security.

(1) male and female 50 pin shrouded header

(1) male and female 10 pin shrouded header

(4) 4-40 7/16″ hex standoffs

(8) 4-40 machine screws

(8) 4-40 washers

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Does this solder to the top or bottom of the module?

  • In most applications (such as the DIYPNP and MSPNP Gen 2), it goes underneath the module. But it can be attached to the top of the board if your design calls for it.

Do I need to use any thread locker?

  • Yes, we recommend using Loktite or similar to prevent the screws from vibrating loose.

Questions & Answers

    This connector have a specific name?
  1. 0 votes
    Q This connector have a specific name?
    Asked by Antonio

    They're 0.100" shrouded headers. Pretty common standard from US electronics supply houses.

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