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MegaSquirt 3X Wiring Bundle - 23"
MegaSquirt 3X Wiring Bundle - 23"
MegaSquirt 3X Wiring Bundle - 23"

MegaSquirt MS3X Wiring Bundle – 23″

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MegaSquirt MS3X Wiring Bundle – Length = 23″

  • ~23″ of TXL High temp automotive grade wire.
  • Color coded wiring with labeling printed on the wire every 6 inches — no paper tags here!
  • Use with MS3X Expansion board or other sequential device

Just like a short run of the MS3X harness, but with no DB37 connector.  We envisioned this being used to build short harness adapters to join your MS ECU to your stock wiring harness, either directly to the wiring (cut off the stock EC connector) or through the use of a DIYBOB or other means of adapting an OEM connector to build a short patch harness to allow you to plug your MS ECU right into your factory wiring.

We’ve custom printed these to include all the inputs and outputs on the expansion board. Use for making your own wiring harnesses, or for wiring up non-MegaSquirt systems as well. Includes wiring for sequential injection, sequential coil on plug, nitrous, boost control, and more.


Printed Label Wire Gauge Base Color Stripe Color
1 MS3X-1: INJECTOR G 20ga White-WHT Dark blue-BLU
2 GROUND – no printed label 20ga Black-BLK no stripe
3 GROUND – no printed label 20ga Black-BLK no stripe
4 MS3X-4: INJECTOR F 20ga White-WHT Dark green-GRN
5 MS3X-5: FLEX FUEL INPUT 20ga Orange-ORN no stripe
6 MS3X-6: BOOST CONTROL 20ga Light green-LTGRN Red-RED
7 MS3X-7: INJECTOR E 20ga White-WHT Red-RED
8 GROUND – no printed label 20ga Black-BLK no stripe
9 MS3X-9: IDLE VALVE 20ga Light green-LTGRN Pink-PNK
10 MS3X-10: INJECTOR D 20ga White-WHT Pink-PNK
11 MS3X-11: LAUNCH CTRL IN 20ga Gray-GRY Red-RED
12 GROUND – no printed label 20ga Black-BLK no stripe
13 MS3X-13: INJECTOR C 20ga White-WHT Light green-LTGRN
14 MS3X-14: SPARK A 20ga Yellow-YEL no stripe
15 MS3X-15: SPARK C 20ga Yellow-YEL Light green-LTGRN
16 MS3X-16: INJECTOR B 20ga White-WHT Orange-ORN
17 GROUND – no printed label 20ga Black-BLK no stripe
18 MS3X-18: SPARK G 20ga Yellow-YEL Dark blue-BLU
19 MS3X-19: INJECTOR A 20ga White-WHT no stripe
20 MS3X-20: INJECTOR H 20ga White-WHT Purple-PUR
21 MS3X-21: SPARE ADC 20ga Light blue-LTBLU no stripe
22 MS3X-22: EGO2 20ga Light blue-LTBLU Dark blue-BLU
23 MS3X-23: EXT_MAP 20ga Light blue-LTBLU Red-RED
24 MS3X-24: NITROUS OUT 1 20ga Light green-LTGRN no stripe
25 MS3X-25: NITROUS OUT 2 20ga Light green-LTGRN Dark blue-BLU
26 MS3X-26: TACH OUTPUT 20ga Light green-LTGRN Orange-ORN
27 MS3X-27: VVT 20ga Light green-LTGRN Dark green-GRN
28 MS3X-28: TABLESWITCH IN 20ga Gray-GRY Purple-PUR
29 MS3X-29: NITROUS INPUT 20ga Gray-GRY Dark blue-BLU
30 MS3X-30: DATALOG INPUT 20ga Gray-GRY no stripe
31 MS3X-31: PT4 LOGIC OUTPUT 20ga Purple-PUR no stripe
32 MS3X-32: CAM INPUT 20ga Dark green-GRN no stripe
33 MS3X-33: SPARK B 20ga Yellow-YEL Orange-ORN
34 MS3X-34: SPARK D 20ga Yellow-YEL Pink-PNK
35 MS3X-35: SPARK E 20ga Yellow-YEL Red-RED
36 MS3X-36: SPARK F 20ga Yellow-YEL Dark green-GRN
37 MS3X-37: SPARK H 20ga Yellow-YEL Purple-PUR

Note that this bundle only includes the wires on the MS3X expansion board. Wire bundle for the MS3 main board is sold separately.