Single replacement Tyco relay for the relay board. This is a pretty standard relay (Mini-ISO) and may fit many OEM fuse boxes as well. SPST contacts, rated for 12 volts and 30 amps. Does not have a mounting tab, so trying to use it with spade terminals is...
[3 Pack] Mica insulator / hardware kit for TO-220 components. Used for V3.0 / V3.57 Q9 and Q12, as well as for BIP373 coil drivers. Heat sink compound recommended.
Includes 3 of each:
mica insulators
mounting screws
10-pack of wire jumpers in 5 colors. These fit 0.1" headers and are used on the JimStim to make connections for testing additional circuitry. There are several other uses for them too.
Replacement DB37 female PCB mount connector, as used on Stimulator kits. Could also be used on boards that plug into a MegaSquirt such as the TBI or TPI adapter board.
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