Our Office is located at:

2405 Murphy Blvd
Gainesville, GA 30504

Legacy (kit-style) MegaSquirt ECU Tech Support and Sales:

We keep these kits and assembled (B&G kit style) MegaSquirt ECUs SUPER affordable, and the only way we can do that is by keeping the sales and support questions handled primarily via email. Email support is far more efficient; please support us in this and use email where possible as that will help to keep our prices affordable for you. We have a team of 5 techs/engineers that man the email support Monday-Friday from 9am-5pm EST. They are very quick to respond and eager to help you get your project going successfully. And very good at it! When emailing us– if relevant please attach a copy of your TunerStudio tune file (.msq file) and a datalog of any problems we can help you with.

Email our Tech Support Department at websales@diyautotune.com



MS3-Pro and MSPNP Technical Support and Sales

The MS3-Pro and MSPNP Products do come with phone and email support. Email is still more efficient in many cases, especially if you need to provide datalogs or tune files to help us to help you!

MS3-Pro/MSPNP Technical Support or Product Questions:

678-261-8789 — We are available by phone Monday-Friday 10am-4:30pm EST.
Please do NOT use this number for DIY-style MegaSquirt (Kit or assembled) sales. We’re sorry, but the ONLY way the kits and kit type ECUs (even the assembled versions of the kit-style MS product) can stay so affordable for the masses is by handling tech support by email. We’re very good and fast at it. Please give us a chance to prove that.
MS3-Pro and MSPNP products have a different price point and enable phone support to be sustainable (email sometimes is still more efficient, but we can afford to offer phone support if you prefer on these products).
Please help us keep our prices down!

Other Inquiries

Wholesale Inquiries – dealer@diyautotune.com

Order Status – shipping@diyautotune.com