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PKIT - MegaSquirt-I PCBv2.2 Partial Kit

PKIT – MegaSquirt-I PCBv2.2 Partial Kit

5 out of 5 based on 1 customer rating
(1 customer review)


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SKU: MS122-pkit Category: Brand:


MegaSquirt-I PCBv2.2 Partial Kit

PCBv2.2, MegaSquirt-I CPU and MPX4250 MAP Sensor for building a MegaSquirt-I PCB 2.2 ECU. Complete Bill of Materials (parts listing) and assembly instructions can be found HERE.

Click HERE for complete MegaSquirt-I PCBv2.2 kits with all parts needed in a nicely labeled kit.

Customer reviews

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1 review for PKIT – MegaSquirt-I PCBv2.2 Partial Kit

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When should I use a V2.2 board, and when is it worth stepping up to a V3.0 or V3.57?

  • The V3.0 and V3.57 are significantly more flexible. For a new build, a V2.2 could be cost effective under the following conditions:
    • You will be running high impedance injectors.
    • You will be using fuel control only, or one of the following ignition systems:
      • Ford TFI
      • Ford EDIS
      • GM HEI
      • VW Hall effect distributor and “139” ignition module
    • You do not need any other outputs beyond fuel and ignition control.
    • You do not intend to upgrade to MS2 or MS3 in the future.
  • If your plans include any features beyond this, starting with a V3.0 or V3.57 is likely to be a better option.

What firmware is on the processor?

  • This processor ships with B&G V3.0 code. You can install other code variants when you assemble the ECU.

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